Reskilling and Retooling the Nigerian Youth

Did you know?

  • Nigeria’s young people remain the hardest hit by unemployment, and nearly 14 million people aged between 15 and 34 years are unemployed.
  • Graduates and post graduates make up about 2.9 million of the total number of Nigerians who are unemployed.
  • The country is at ‘extreme risk’ of falling further behind in education because of COVID-19.
  • The pandemic is widening the digital gap between the “haves” and “have-nots”. This is a growing challenge facing many young people in Nigeria.

How you can support

  • Get knowledgeable about the growing challenges facing Nigerian youth and the workforce.
  • Ask our leaders to ensure safety measures are in place and teachers are equipped with the right resources for school reopening especially for the most marginalised and vulnerable groups like girls and refugees.
  • Advocate for the Government to make digital technology more affordable, accessible, and valuable for Nigerians.
  • Encourage repurposing public sector workers from clerical activities to essential public services such as health care, teaching, and agricultural extensions.

The Nigeria Solidarity Support Fund is committing its resources to help reskill and retool the Nigerian youth.

Funds will support human capital development to address the skills gap required to strengthen the nation’s labour market, and meet the demands of a changing workforce in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic has created both a global health and economic crisis. An investment in the workforce is imperative as the nation adjusts to the realities of a changing economy, transitions to a “new normal”, and envisions the Nigeria of the future.

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