Frequently Asked Questions About HPV

HPV vaccine is a vaccine that provides protection against certain types of cancers including cervical cancer.

The HPV vaccine works by stimulating the body’s immune system to produce antibodies against the human papillomavirus. When a person receives the vaccine, their immune system recognizes the viral proteins in the vaccine and produces a response that provides protection against HPV infections.

Girls 9-14 years will be given the HPV vaccine due to global shortage of the vaccine.

Yes boys can be given HPV vaccine however Nigeria is not prioritizing them due to high burden of cervical cancer disease in females in Nigeria and the current global shortage of the vaccine.

A single-dose of Gardasil (current HPV vaccine Nigeria is introducing) will be administered to eligible girls. However, immunocompromised girls (e.g. girls with HIV/AIDS) will require two doses.

Like any other vaccine, the HPV vaccine may cause non-serious side effects, which are temporary. Common side effects include pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site, as well as fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle or joint pain. Serious side effects are rare.

Yes, HPV vaccine is highly effective at preventing infections from the HPV types covered by the vaccine. It has been shown to provide strong protection against cervical cancer and some other types of HPV related cancers including genital warts in both males and females.

No, the HPV vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV.

The HPV vaccine is most effective when administered before exposure to the virus. However, even if a person has already been exposed to some types of HPV, the vaccine can stillprovide protection against the remaining HPV types covered by the vaccine. Therefore, it is still recommended to receive the vaccine if eligible, regardless of previous HPV exposure.

The HPV vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy.

The HPV vaccine is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended for young girls 9-14 years.

Cervical cancer can be prevented by vaccination with the HPV vaccine. Other preventive measures includes early and regular screening process.

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