World Humanitarian Day 2022

We celebrate thousands of heroes who wear no capes but support the vulnerable, and collaborative efforts to increase appreciation and support for humanitarian causes. Indeed, it takes a village to raise a child by "supporting a person in a humanitarian crisis."

Every year on August 19, the United Nations commemorates and honors those who work to preserve and protect the world’s most vulnerable communities.
An important part of World Humanitarian Day emphasizes the need and implementation of initiatives and activities aimed at helping vulnerable communities. Since its start in 2009, following the horrific bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Iraq that claimed the lives of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and 22 others, it has taken different approaches to issues such as:

  • The world needs more,
  • I Was Here,
  • Real Life Heroes,
  • The Human Race
  • It Takes A Village.

We celebrate thousands of heroes who wear no capes but support the vulnerable, and collaborative efforts to increase appreciation and support for humanitarian causes. Indeed, it takes a village to raise a child by “supporting a person in a humanitarian crisis.”
Recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and inflation, along with the monkeypox outbreak have created a great deal of economic uncertainty, forcing about 40.1 percent of Nigeria’s total population to live below the poverty line.

We support initiatives aimed at improving the lives of disadvantaged communities in Nigeria. We are on a mission to ensure that humanitarian action happens daily.

“Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean”

-Julia A.F Carney

Yet, on this day, we all must work together to bring relief and ease the suffering of millions of people living in difficult circumstances.

Organizations and individuals around the world should take active steps to mitigate the impact of these events on the most vulnerable populations.

A good starting point is our neighborhood. Pledge your support to improve health care, and ease poverty among vulnerable communities.


You can learn more here!

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